Monday, January 28, 2008


The past few days have been better than normal! On Saturday I woke up at 1. I ate breakfast and then browsed on the computer until my roommates told me we were supposed to go check out some free furniture give away pos that some malaysians apparently had. We trekked up this steepass hill to find out that all the usable furniture was already given away :( To make up for our losses, we asked to take the guys basketball and power adapter. He accepted :)

After this I went home to eat again and then went to the gym. After gym I ate again and then got ready to go to Red Lobster! This would basically be my first time at Red Lobster. The only other time I ate at Red Lobster was when I was a kid and I had some coupons for a free kids meal. I went with my fellow SMILE board members. We got there around 9 and waited for about an hour before the other car came, then we were sat down and ordered. Ordering took fucking forever. Apparently the waitress sat us at the wrong spot so no one knew where the hell we were. We weren't mad or anything but the head waitress gave us 2 free appetizers because of it. Woo! I ate... biscuits, lobster pizza, lobster artichoke dip, french fries, fried-clam strips, shrimp, crab cake, and fish. EVERYTHING WAS FRIED! I must have ate like 3000 calories of fat and carbs T_T but it was cool, everything tasted pretty good :) After Red Lobster we decided to just head home so I just went home andDOTA'd for the rest of the night.

Sunday was pretty uneventful. I woke up, ate, and did pretty much nothing for the entire day. I just gamed and browsed all day long :o

Today (Monday) I just ate breakfast, went to class, refunded a book, went home and napped, went back to class, ate, napped, went to class late, ate, went to gym, ate, and here I am eating some 2-day refrigerated steak on the verge of going bad. The steak is so cheap that I have a hella of a time chewing it, but steak is steak!

Not much left to say. Tonight will be somewhat busy. I have to attend the first meeting for a clun and then go to a meeting, but it should be cool. Farewell!

Friday, January 25, 2008


So it is basically the school year now and my life is as boring as it usually is. I haven't done much this past week. My schedule came out nicely since I basically only have school from Mon-Wed with one morning class on Thursday. Monday was a holiday, so that was nice. Tuesday-Thursday brought me back into the world of Berkeley and made me notice just how much I hate biking to Pimentel. I don't know why it is so hard for me to bike a slight uphill. I'm too lazy to change gears, but still! Everyone always passes me on bikes ;( I fell asleep in almost all of my classes except for O-chem lab. Nothing else is special about my classes other than the fact that one of my GSI's and one of my professors are young females who look average :D Other than class, I hung out with some Berkeley friends and that pretty much sums up my week. All of my extra time was spent playing games, eating, or lifting. As I write this I am pretty much out of milk, so :(

I'm taking the second half of O-chem, Econ 1, and 2 Nutri Sci classes. Pretty light schedule but being a board member of SMILE will take up a lot of time. Until next crappy blog!

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I haven't updated in like five days, but that's because I've been extremely busy these past five days. Now to summarize!

I came back to Berkeley on Tuesday and unpacked my shit. I just spent my entire day in my apartment reacquainting myself to a life of solitude without my mom to help me cook my food :( Anyways, Tuesday was a very uneventful day, I just played games and went online. Oh yea, I worked out too.

Wednesday was a good day. This is because this would be the start of my two night retreat for a club that I'm in because I'm a board member for ANOTHER club. I went to meet the members on campus and was assigned a car. Luckily my former roommate was one of the passengers in my car so I at least knew one person. We were driven to a house in the mountains of Mendocino? (not too sure, 3 hour drive from Berk) The house was in the middle of NOWHERE. Only a few other houses were around, no cities or towns for miles and miles. Also, the road to the house consisted of driving up an extremely windy 30 mile trek of ridiculous road. Needless to say, I was tossed countless times. I will keep it short and simple since I really don't feel like going into detail much about the events that occurred at the house. It's not bad or anything, I'm just feeling lazy. The retreat consisted of discussion, team building activities, and free time (where everyone just played BANG or different card games). Team building activities were just games where people would form groups and use teamwork to succeed. Most of them were fun. We would just eat and hangout for the next two days before returning home on Friday.

Highlights of trip-
While playing this weird TBA game, I was blindfolded and ended up picking up a girl and moving her a short distance to place her in the correct position. Apparently while I was trying to find her my teammates told her to slap the air in order to slap my ass (she's also blindfolded). People thought it was pretty amusing.

There were actually a few cute girls, one in particular!

Other than that, nothing was really special. I met a decent number of people and they were all cool. Great time waster since I had nothing else to do!

I came back Friday to find out that I had actually come back to Berkeley on a Friday. I thought it was a fucking Thursday, so I only had a few hours to get ready to go to a friend's Birthday get together. We went to my friend's apartment and just drank and watched TV. Surprisingly, I became flustered from just having one shot. I am somehow an amazing lightweight despite having gained over 30 lbs, I suck :( I went home and slept to get ready for yet another retreat.

On Saturday I woke up and got ready to attend another retreat. I packed my stuff and went to one of my friend's apartments. We did more team building activities and then went grocery shopping at 99 Ranch. We bought groceries and cooked dinner as a team. This retreat was for my mentoring club so we just discussed and went over the general guidelines for how the semester was going to go. After the meeting, we just shared some funny stories with one another and then went to bed. The next day consisted of just eating breakfast and then we dispersed to go home, and here I am! After the retreat, I just ate and played games. I then met up with Sam to buy books and we headed to Oakland afterwards to pick up his friend. After picking up his friend, we went to Safeway where I bought 10 dollars worth of steak (~5 lbs, what a deal!) and then went home, and here I am!

My update really sucked, I'm sorry! I'm really tired and don't really feel like doing anything so ya :( maybe next time!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


An uneventful two days (I think) has passed. I didn't do shit these past few days. I basically just slept, ate, showered, and browsed, and play games. I just finished destroying Jenny at Literati, and I figured I'd give a quick update. I'm going back to Berkeley tomorrow though, so I guess that will be cool. I'll be going back this early to attend a retreat for this club that I'm somehow in! O_O Goodbye San Jose!

Saturday, January 12, 2008



So anyways I woke up this morning to a very strange sensation. As I got up off my bed at 1:20PM I realized that something was horribly wrong. I was dizzy beyond belief! I thought to myself "What the fuck? Oh god." I was confused for a few moments before realizing that the dizziness must have occurred from my whiplash fall at Kirkwood yesterday. I know Bryan kept saying that his falls were worse and what not than mine, but I was pretty sure I had the worse beating yesterday despite all of his rants. Some evidence of this would be my neck which is sore at every side due to my head being tossed around like a rag doll whenever I fell down. After brushing up, I went downstairs to eat breakfast. This is when I realized how serious it was. I couldn't even walk straight! It felt like I was drunk off my ass, except I didn't drink any alcohol. I ate my breakfast and wondered if I should tell my mom I was experiencing dizziness. I personally believed that the dizziness was only going to be temporary and short lived, but the "what if" question kept coming back at me.

What if I was experiencing the first symptoms of what follows severe head trauma? What if I had more than a mild concussion? What if I have internal bleeding? What if I DIE!?!?!?!? I didn't really care about my life, but I thought how tragic it would be for my mom and dad to have their son come back home after a snowboard trip and die within the next few days due to unknown reasons. They would have a mystery on their hands, only to be solved after my sad autopsy. Once they found out, my parents would be in even more disbelief, and probably blame themselves for my death even though it was my fault for bashing my head on the slopes of Kirkwood.

What was stopping me from telling my mom? The goddamn worrying and bitching that would follow! Chances are I had nothing serious, but I didn't want to take that chance (see paragraph above). I didn't want my mom to get all worked up for nothing since they ALWAYS bitch about not taking hits to the back of the head. Sigh, I manned up and told her and she started freaking out (no surprise) and we ended up going to the doctor ASAP. I went to my old family doctor and waited for about half an hour before I finally got checked. While waiting I told my mom not to worry, that if I had something serious I would have already died overnight. I don't think I helped calm her town =D
The diagnosis: Vertigo-
I thought I had a mild concussion but the doctor said the term concussion was used when the person loses consciousness during impact, which I did not. Oh well, I KNEW it was a minor injury. Fuck.

I got rewarded Mcdonalds because my mom was relieved. Of course the main reason for not telling my mom about my injury was because my dad was going to find out, the unreasonable man of the house. Obviously he found out, and he started bitching about safety and responsibility and helmets and how important safety is and how yadda yadda, the same things I've heard throughout the years that I already know and choose not to act upon. Dammit, I just realized this incident is going to be related every time I go on an overnight trip, I just KNOW it T_T

My symptoms started clearing as I was awake for several hours. I did absolutely nothing the rest of the day except play games and surf the internet since my head is fuckz0red. Yep, that's my day. I promised my parents I'd sleep earlier since I need rest but here I am at 2:15AM typing this blog up before taking my pre-bed meal and going to sleep. Good night!

Friday, January 11, 2008


So anyways, yesterday I did absolutely nothing so let's skip that!

Today started off quite early since I woke up at 4:30AM to get ready to go snowboarding. I actually woke up naturally at 1:15AM but fell back asleep. Pretty random O_O

I got up, ate my breakfast, made sure Bryan was awake, and waited for Bryan to pick me up. We got to Sam's around 5:30'ish since Bryan was 20 min late, oh well. After we packed our shit in Sam's car, we went to pick up Harry and Sheng. After picking up Sheng in Milpitas, Sam realized he forgot the lift tickets at home so we had to go home to get them. T_T We picked up Harry and then had our sweet little 4-hour drive to Kirkwood. Very uneventful, all we did was go to Subways to pick up a snack before heading all the way there. Once we arrived there we changed into our snow gear/got our rentals and headed for the ski lifts!

Man, snowboarding is so hard the first time! (for me at least) The moment I got on the board I started sliding toward the trees so I became paranoid. Little did I know these bastards took me on an intermediate course for my noob training. I used my ass as a sled and slid down about 20 yards before actually trying to mount the damn board. After sliding down the first hill, me and Sheng were ditched by Sam, Harry, and Bryan since we sucked too much (our first times). We went on the easier ski lifts. After some more practicing there, we went on the harder ski lifts. I fell down countless times, but only some of my falls were awesome. I had one where I was whiplashed into the back of my head. Other times my board become a helicopter as I tumbled down the hill. I also fell on my back and slid head first down the mountainside a few times before realizing my elbow could stop me from sliding. We took a lunch break after and I ordered the smallest pos bowl of chili for 6 dollars -.- After some more rest we went back to the hills and fell some more before leaving at 4PM.

Our ride back was actually somewhat eventful. As we were leaving Kirkwood a deer came out of nowhere and Sam almost annihilated it, but this wasn't all! As we were on some random highway/freeway, Sam's tire died. GREAT! All of us just went outside and stood there like dumbasses while we waited for AAA to come help fix our shit since the tire bolt wouldn't come off. Luckily (and surprisingly) two passing vehicles actually tried to help us out. The first vehicle was a truck driven by some random mexican guy who was supposedly a marine. He didn't have a big enough wrench so he couldn't help us out. The second vehicle belonged to this old white guy who apparently worked as a mechanic for a number of years. He helped us get the bolt out just as AAA arrived. After our tire was fixed and the white guy was gone, Sam tried to start the car, and it didn't work. Harrr harrrr! However, the AAA guy was still there and helped us jumpstart the car and we drove our way home. Afterwards everyone was driven home and me and Bryan went to grab something to eat at Pho, and then he drove me home. That's it!

Sorry this entry sucks, I really don't feel like making it an enjoyable read so it's just a randomass blog. =]

Tuesday, January 8, 2008



Hello! This is actually an okay day for a blog, I feel as if I'm writing a story.

The day started off quite with quite festive events; I was awoken by the house alarm! *BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP*
That shit is seriously loud as shit. My first thoughts were "Fuck, my mom is so retarded" because I thought she tripped the goddamn alarm. After another thirty seconds, I came to a troubling realization: I was the only one home. O_O

Someone was breaking in! I got a little nervous and was like wtf, where the fuck is my mom? Ohhh, she must be at the damn gym. So I psyched myself up and scurried downstairs ready for a fight to the death. As I ran downstairs I grabbed the first weapon I could find, a metal walking stick with sharp ridges that my dad uses when he goes out on a walk to defend himself against vicious animals (no jokes hahaha). I check every corner of the house and I check every window and everything looks untouched. I turned off the alarm and turned it back on and called my mom. It turns out that this has happened before, and that it happens because water somehow leaks into one of the windows which triggers the alarm. Woo, sigh of relief. Once my mom came home I was relieved of all the paranoia of some random nigg hiding in the house so I finally took a shit and showered and got ready to go climbing with Bryan.

We went to City Beach, some random ass bar/restauraunt/gym/rock climbing/balling out of control place. It looks pretty nice. We went in and Bryan used these free passes to get us in. We bouldered for like 2 hours before calling it quits; holy shit we suck now. Afterwards, we went to some store called REI (apparently the biggest outdoor store chain in the entire world that I have NEVER heard of before) and Bryan got some weird spike shit for his snowboarding shit? I don't know anything, whatever. We went to Starbucks afterwards and then he drove me home so I could change since we were going to University Chicken. After I changed we went for a quick stop to his place so he could shower and so I could try on some snow gear since I was going to borrow his shit for our snowboarding trip this thursday. The clothes fit fine, and after Bryan showered we were ready to go. We picked up Ali and then went to the University Chicken in down town SJ. This UC was like 2-3 times bigger than that little piece of shit in Santa Clara. It was really crowded and filled with ghetto 13-15 year olds. Apparently there is a tuesday night special where everything is pretty much half off so eating there was pretty cheap. We met up with random viet Berk kids from VSA and Sam. We ate and relaxed there. Some fool was trying the 911 challenge and owned himself in the eye and had to quit. It was fucking hilarious watching him do it because I know how much he was struggling and trying to play it off like a dumbass. Afterwards they passed the rest of the 911 around and Sam took a tiny amount of sauce in his fork to let the people at our table try it out. Little did Sam know, I had already eaten a 911 wing smothered in approximately 75% of all the sauce that is even present in the 911 challenge. I declined to try because it was such a pussy amount and really couldn't do anything but provide a slight burn. Sam didn't even take the entire fork full, he ate like a tiny tiny tiny piece and felt like shit afterwards. Fast forward 20 minutes into the future, and Sam puked outside. HAHAHAHAHA

Afterwards, Sam went home and me, Bryan, Ali, and Thi went to some random yogurt place called Frozo? It's a neat yogurt place downtown where you design your own yogurt with your own toppings and just pay based on the weight of the portion you eat. The yogurt wasn't great, but the price I paid was pretty decent for the amount I ate (roughly 26 oz?). After that, I went home and here I am! It's nearing midnight and my palm hurts like shit having it placed on the laptop because I think I put a lot of pressure on it today while climbing. I never have pressure on my palm so it makes sense for it to be hurting right now. Well, I'll probably do nothing tonight but game and what not. Farewell and wait for my next blog which will probably be hopelessly boring and shitty!
Hello! I decided to start a blog because Jenny sorta told me to. Now the small world can look at my pitiful and miserably excuse for a life.

Anyways, today I did absolutely nothing. I woke up at 1:20 and I thought it was 11:20 so I lounged in bed for a little bit before double checking the clock. After "BROWSING" for a little bit I ran for a few minutes on my treadmill before realizing that running indoors sucks balls and is a waste of my time. Never running on a treadmill ever again. Rest of my day was so-so, just worked out, ate, showered, ate, ate, game, and ate. And here I am about to play games with Henry for the first time in months!

Highlight of my day: I broke the world record in Stepmania for a song! (Stepmania is a program that plays DDR on the keyboard). Yea, I'm lame and shit, whatever, but at least you guys will know one of the best SM players on the planet ;)

Fear me.