Sunday, June 28, 2009


I feel like writing random blogs again so here I am :O

Nothing much has been going on, I'm currently taking summer school at Berkeley just for the sake of living by myself so I can be close to a good gym and have my diet in order. I could have went home for the summer, but then I would have to have my parents order me car insurance, buy a new gym membership, and become incredibly proactive in making my meals at home... fuck that ._.

I've started pokering again and hope that I can win some cash on the side as well as play for fun. It has been a fucking roller coaster ride so far but I'm up right now and that's all that matters. I think I'm playing .05/.1 NL and just trying to get a bankroll going. I think my plan of action is to just keep playing at these shitty ass blinds while playing the qualifiers for the $100K every week for a chance to get in the tournament. There will only be around 500 players in the field with a payout of $100k (paying to top 63 or top 90 if there's more than 600 players) so my chances of winning big money are as big as they can get... hopefully no one catches on ;)

Life is whatever. I just eat, gym, game, and sleep; I am content. As for my future I'm thinking about doing respiratory therapy at foothill instead of becoming an RD. I still need to research what RD's actually do but oh well haha. That is all for now, I guess I will copy Jenny and update if anything interesting happens or if I want to show whoever reads this shit something. O_O!!!