Friday, January 11, 2008


So anyways, yesterday I did absolutely nothing so let's skip that!

Today started off quite early since I woke up at 4:30AM to get ready to go snowboarding. I actually woke up naturally at 1:15AM but fell back asleep. Pretty random O_O

I got up, ate my breakfast, made sure Bryan was awake, and waited for Bryan to pick me up. We got to Sam's around 5:30'ish since Bryan was 20 min late, oh well. After we packed our shit in Sam's car, we went to pick up Harry and Sheng. After picking up Sheng in Milpitas, Sam realized he forgot the lift tickets at home so we had to go home to get them. T_T We picked up Harry and then had our sweet little 4-hour drive to Kirkwood. Very uneventful, all we did was go to Subways to pick up a snack before heading all the way there. Once we arrived there we changed into our snow gear/got our rentals and headed for the ski lifts!

Man, snowboarding is so hard the first time! (for me at least) The moment I got on the board I started sliding toward the trees so I became paranoid. Little did I know these bastards took me on an intermediate course for my noob training. I used my ass as a sled and slid down about 20 yards before actually trying to mount the damn board. After sliding down the first hill, me and Sheng were ditched by Sam, Harry, and Bryan since we sucked too much (our first times). We went on the easier ski lifts. After some more practicing there, we went on the harder ski lifts. I fell down countless times, but only some of my falls were awesome. I had one where I was whiplashed into the back of my head. Other times my board become a helicopter as I tumbled down the hill. I also fell on my back and slid head first down the mountainside a few times before realizing my elbow could stop me from sliding. We took a lunch break after and I ordered the smallest pos bowl of chili for 6 dollars -.- After some more rest we went back to the hills and fell some more before leaving at 4PM.

Our ride back was actually somewhat eventful. As we were leaving Kirkwood a deer came out of nowhere and Sam almost annihilated it, but this wasn't all! As we were on some random highway/freeway, Sam's tire died. GREAT! All of us just went outside and stood there like dumbasses while we waited for AAA to come help fix our shit since the tire bolt wouldn't come off. Luckily (and surprisingly) two passing vehicles actually tried to help us out. The first vehicle was a truck driven by some random mexican guy who was supposedly a marine. He didn't have a big enough wrench so he couldn't help us out. The second vehicle belonged to this old white guy who apparently worked as a mechanic for a number of years. He helped us get the bolt out just as AAA arrived. After our tire was fixed and the white guy was gone, Sam tried to start the car, and it didn't work. Harrr harrrr! However, the AAA guy was still there and helped us jumpstart the car and we drove our way home. Afterwards everyone was driven home and me and Bryan went to grab something to eat at Pho, and then he drove me home. That's it!

Sorry this entry sucks, I really don't feel like making it an enjoyable read so it's just a randomass blog. =]

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